This is our second novel, “No Holds Barred” is a novel written by Marly Morgan. It is a story of two oddly extraordinary people who fell in love with each other but hesitant to tell each other what they were feeling. They were both afraid to put too much emotion to people because they were afraid to be left at the end.  

Kevin Lloyd Hijastro (Discussion Director)

     As the discussion director Kevin gave us four questions and each question we agreed with these answers.

1.   What if Jassy Creig didn’t come back when she left Cole Baron?

-          From the depths of our brain, we think both of them will suffer from longing each other and for everyday that they wanted to see and touch and for every kiss that they have shared.  If Jassy did not come back, she will lose the piece of her heart for the first time that she fell in love with a rancher far away from Texas.

2.   What is the reason why Jassy Creig left Cole Baron? As a young genius, how can she handle that fear after knowing each other?

-          The reason why Jassy left Baron because she wants to find herself being alone because of her thought that always reminds what her Psychologist said that “every genius is destined to be alone”.

3.   What if both of them agreed to pretend that they never met and forget what had happened to them?

-          For us, it will be hard for them to choose at first but as time goes by they will actually accept the fact that they really wanted to pretend and to live in separate ways and different worlds.

4.   If given a chance to change or to make the ending of the story more explosive and exciting what will be and why?

-          If Kevin is given a chance to change the ending of the story more explosive and exciting, he would create the scenario that when the time Jassy Creig came back in the ranch. She will not see Cole there and then definitely she will go in the bar where they see each other in the first time. After Jassy arrived in the bar, Cole is standing and waiting for her while the rain is pouring down. They will move slowly and closer to reach the lips just like the end of the ocean. The end.


Cloister Kevin C. Saldivia (Character Captain)

     I was impressed with the answers given by Cloister. He was a very good reader because I thought he was internalized what the story all about and gave us these exact characteristics of the main characters in the story.

Cole Baron:

Laid Back – The sound of endless traffic was an assault; the neon lights that spilt the night were an affront. It wasn’t as though he had never lived in a city before, he thought irritably. Hell, he had lived in Austin during his college years. He had gotten used to the lights and noise, yet even the part of him had yearned for the ranch. Page 8

Competitive – He’d visited more cities and towns that he could name, negotiating breeding fees, oil rights, land acquisition-whatever it took to make his ranch the biggest and the best in his corner of Texas. Page 9

Hard working/industrious – The ranch was well cared for and slickly run. Page 53 The next morning Jassy sprang out of bed at five thirty, defiant and determined to catch Cole before he ran on her once again. But when she strolled into the kitchen thirty minutes later, it was to find Juana drying the last dish from Cole’s breakfast. Page 62 Jassy stared into her cup discontentedly. “You mean that he works fourteen-hour days”? Page 62 

Gentleman – “I don’t want to be alone”. The sentence dropped into the silence between them like a challenge or a plea. “Can you understand that? I don’t want to be alone . . . not now. Not yet. And that’s waiting for me home. Page 15

Man of Principle – “That sense of responsibility your daddy instilled in you,” Juana clarified with lethal perception. “The one that says you have to have one hand always reaching out to help other people.” Page 42

Obnoxious – “And no, I won’t be the object of your soon-to-be-regretted seduction attempt. You’re not very good at it, anyway”. The casually cruel dismissal brought flags of red to Jassy cheeks. “Then why did you bring me here? she demanded, her eyes on his stiff back. “Why did you come? Cole shot back. “That’s not the issue!” Jassy stamped her foot in frustration. “I know why I came. It was a perfect clear, well-thought-out-decision to-“ “Become a cowboy and live on the Ponderosa”, Cole finished mockingly. Page 29 “Oh Lord,” Cole muttered, shoulders slumping in defeat. “No, Jassy. You’re ugly as sin. Why do you think I have to lock the men in the bunkhouse after six?” Jassy punch him then, hard. “You big stupid cowboy!” she stormed. “You can’t even give a compliment right! I think you’re ugly as sin too”. Page 87  

Jassy Creig:

Seductive – He had the oddest sensation of the world falling away, of the music fading, of the people between them disappearing. He was suddenly alone with that searing flame, and her warmth was scorching him from the inside out. Page 10 Cole for his part, noticed his cowboys imperceptibly straightening their horsemen’s slouch. He also saw a few bellies sucked in. When they began to elbow each other, he sighed. Jassy must be passing in a view. She always drew this reaction. Page 76-77 Therefore, the hand that grabbed her shoulder and pulled her around came as an unwelcome surprise. For a spilt of second she thought that it must be Cole, because no one else on the ranch would dare to touch her that way. Page 85

Mysteriously beautiful - “I don’t want to be alone”. The sentence dropped into the silence between them like a challenge or a plea. “Can you understand that? I don’t want to be alone . . . not now. Not yet. And that’s waiting for me home. Page 15 “you rescued me from the dragons,” she insisted dreamily”. Cole’s eyes sharpened at the silent admission of something more than she had already shared with him. Despite what she had said about not wanting to be alone, Cole suspected that she was running from more that solitude. There must be someone she didn’t want to face. “Dragons . . . want me to be . . . alone.” Cole sat in silence for a moment, puzzling over the wistful complaint. He wanted to ask more, wanted to know everything, but Jassy was asleep beside him. Page 24 Thoughtfully, Cole continued his unauthorized search. It was more, and less, of revelation than he had hoped for. There was one dangling gold earring, three crayons, seventy-six dollars and thirty-two cents, a wilting wildflower and a scrap of paper with a mathematical notation that he couldn’t even began to comprehend. Page 32 Cole though, as he urges striker forward, there was something intriguing about Jassy Creig’s despised freckles and the equally despised intelligence she tried to hide. Page 80

Intellectually gifted/gifted – She grow up alone in labs and libraries, classrooms and lecture halls, accepting, excelling of hopes of winning his father’s love. Page 44 She was doing simple algebra by then, taking her toys apart and putting them back together. She remembered two whole weeks when she had basked in her genius, because for those two weeks, her father had looked at his five-year-old daughter. Page 53-54 At the end of that time, Jassy had been placed in a special school for the intellectually gifted. Page 54 At seventeen, Jassy earned doctorates in physics and computer science. Page 55 “There is nothing cute about freckles,” Jassy complained with asperity. “They are simply an inherited dermatological trait whereby melanin-producing cells called melanocytes bunch up in certain spots in the lower layer of the epidermis. The color of these freckles is determined by exposure to heat and sun. Sunshine not only can darken them, but can also cause new melanin to form.” Page 80

Innocent – The circumstances of her life had seen to that. It would take her a while to realize that there were indications-physical indications-of a woman who had just lost her virginity. Page 45 So at the age of eighteen, Jassy Creig entered the real world an innocent. Innocent of the beauty and cruelty of the world she chose and the people who inhabited it, and hungry to learn. Page 55-56 Jassy stared into his eyes, hypnotized. How did he do this to her? How did he make her ache with just the sound of her name on his lips? Page 71 Cole stared at her incredulously. She wasn’t kidding. She truly had no idea just how lovely she was! Page 89

Talented – Her paintings were glorious and vibrant with that hunger, and her unjaded eyes found the beauty and the ugliness with unwavering perception. Page 56

Mary Joy Pana (Literary Luminary)

            As the literary luminary I was amazed with her answers. I think Mary have exerted her effort this time because as we observed her reflections were based on her own experiences. I thought she's waiting for her special someone to come and experience the unexplainable feelings of being deeply inlove.

1.      For a moment, Jassy forgot how to breathe. Cole froze in place, his head turning to meet her dazed eyes. My God! she thought incredulously. It was as if someone had just brushed her skin with fire and licked it with ice. The sensation was incredible. All through her body she felt this incredible raging conflict of light and dark, sun and snow, depth and distance. How had he done that? With just that one touch he had brought her body and her mind to pulsating conflict. How had he pried those emotions out of the shell where she hid them? Even past the potent haze of tequila dancing in her blood, she recognized the danger. __pp. 25 paragraph 7

I choose this passage because it fascinates me and I want to experience this feeling someday when I found my true love. In movies, people feel a current or electricity when their true love touches their hand. I believe it’s true somehow. In this passage, Cole and Jassy were amazed and surprised by the sensation but somehow a part of Jassy was afraid that the new strange feeling will bring harm to her. If I were in Jassy’s situation, I think I’ll feel the same too since she was with a stranger. And those sensations will only be meaningful when both of them will realize that they’re meant with each other.

2.      Jassy nodded silently. It was a mistake, but some mistakes were never forgotten.__ pp. 72 paragraph 8

I like this passage because it’s absolutely true. There are mistakes that can’t be forgotten because there are things, opportunities, and chances that were perfectly given to us only for once. But people tend to remember those mistakes because it gave them a great impact in their lives. And most of all it hurt so much when people were sorry for those they consider mistakes but to you it meant something good that you treasure so much. Just as what Jassy felt in the story that it would be better if Cole really meant that kiss. Because Cole kissed her and was sorry for doing it and told her it was a mistake.

3.      “Listen to me, Jassy,” Cole ordered solemnly. “I’m not alienated by your genius. I know who and what I am, and the fact that your more genius than I am doesn’t change me. I don’t think any person who is comfortable of himself would feel threatened by your mind. Okay?” __pp. 96 paragraph 9

I choose this passage because I like it and most importantly I can somehow relate myself with this passage. I’ve said similar to this to someone. I have a friend when I was in high school; most of our classmates don’t like her because they thought she’s weird. She likes reading books and when we talk of something she would interrupt and correct us. Instead of being thankful, they’re mad because, according to them, they feel so dumb when they’re with Ashley. When Ashley realized why her friends don’t go with her every time she’ll ask them to accompany her. Somehow she feels like hating being named as an intelligent person because people avoid you. I, being sincere of our friendship, had told her that if they’re indeed true friends they must accept of who and what you are. I told her they’re just insecure of their selves and they don’t deserve her friendship. Unfortunately, those classmates of mine were so mean and Ashley could not stand it so her parents decided to transfer her to a private school. This passage reminds me that true friends should remind their friends to bear in their mind that they’re not alone.

4.      Cole’s eyes were restless, “We all run, Jassy. We all have our escapes. Your art. My ranch. Sometimes the run becomes more important than the reason for the run. Sometimes it hurts more to stop than it does to keep going.” __pp. 112 paragraph 1

I was delighted and somehow I can say I agree to this passage. People are sometimes weak and they tend to avoid their problem rather than facing them. In the story, Cole had not yet recovered after he lost his parents in a plane crash. He worked hard in the ranch so his mind will be occupied and he can forget his parents’ death. And when you’re used of running away, you feel like you can’t live any longer if you stop what you’re doing.

5.      “You’re driving me crazy,” he told her, cutting her words in a steady, driven tone. “I think about you at the damnedest times. I remember something funny you said and I want to laugh, and the boys look at me like I have a screw loose. Today I told Billy T all about his bunch melanocytes and he almost hit me. I feel like I was a fool.” his shoulders straightened in stark determination and he met her eyes sternly. “I don’t like what you’re doing to me, Jassy Craig. I want you to stop it now.” __pp. 119 paragraph 8

 I choose this passage because was amused when I read this. I can say that it’s definitely true. There were times that I think of someone and before I knew it I was already smiling. When somebody approaches me, they would think of me as a fool, smiling alone. I can say that I can relate myself with Cole’s feelings this time. You don’t want to feel that way and you don’t even know why you’re feeling that way. And what surprises the most is that, that someone doesn’t even aware of how you feel because to her she or he is doing nothing yet he or she makes you feel that way. I can say it makes you crazy. Cole was indeed right.


Kimberly Sulmaca (Literary Connector)    

          Being the literary connector I find it pretty hard to connect “No Holds Barred” with other novels that I have read. I think it’s my first time to read a novel with this kind of story. But as I was reading “No Holds Barred” page by page I find it similar to “Logan’s Lady”. “No Holds Barred” just like “Logan’s Lady” was set in a ranch, a ranch that was owned by an incredibly handsome bachelor who lost the courage to love again because of some hurtful past. But everything has changed when he met this incredibly wonderful woman who have caused unexplainable feeling and sensation that he have never felt in any other woman that he have met.

          In “No Holds Barred” Jassy Creig was born with an exceptional intelligence. In other words she’s genius. I’m just wandering about how hard it is to be like her. We have this kind of notion that living with an IQ of over a hundred is amazing and awesome to feel with. But we don’t know how sad and lonely their life is. Being isolated and surrounded with experts who study’s you is not easy. They were deprived of their childhood simply because their parents want them to focus on that “genius” thing.   

          I can also connect this novel to a Korean novella where just like Jassy the lead star was also left alone because her parents died when she was young. She was also afraid to love and to be with anybody else because she was afraid that in the end she will be left alone. Just like Jassy she doesn’t want to indulge herself with anybody because she doesn’t want to hurt them in the end that’s why she kept herself alone. 


Jaynne Tomandan (Vocabulary Enricher)

     Being the vocabulary enricher Jaynne gave us the list of words that seems unfamiliar with us. But Ithink it would be better if she made her own sentences. J

1.   Staunchly – loyal; dependable Page 75

“Only one way to learn,” Juana returned staunchly, running water into the sink.

2.   Imp Page – mischievous child; a little devil 75

Cole was an imp of Satan when he was little, “Juana begun abruptly, eyes distant.

3.   Cajoled – to persuade soothe by flattery or deceit Page 24

“Tell me about the dragons,” he cajoled softly, his hands tightening on the wheel.

4.   Laconically – using few words; concise Page 92

“I’ve got time,” he told her laconically

5.   Succinctly – clear, concise Page 92

He did so very succinctly, a one-world, derogatory denial

6.   Whimsical – unusual, odd, fantastic Page 149

“You match her likes she’s a rainbow about to fade away”, Joe’s voice was whimsical.

7.   Brusquely – blunt and curt in manner Page 171

“Ready to go?” he asked brusquely, his hand tightening on the package of his hands.

8.   Latched Page 49

Jassy latched onto that gratefully, never realizing that Juana had deliberately thrown her the lifetime.

9.   Incredulous – not able or willing to accept as true Page 53

She didn’t notice the incredulous, questioning looks traded behind her back or the bewildered shrugs that answered them.

10.               Excruciatingly – to inflect severe pain upon; to torture. Page 132

“I don’t want her to find us... like this. “she explained awkwardly, suddenly, excruciatingly aware of her nakedness against his.

Daisyree Joy Bongan (Artistic Adventurer)


     As the artistic adventurer I think Joy  made an artful presentation. But I think it would be better if either she make a collage that shows the difference between how happy being with someone you loved and living alone longing for somebody to come back not only posting this cover page of the novel or make a poem or a song about the importance of love or being loved.


        I am so happy this time because we have time to discussed our answers with each other. I am grateful that this time we cooperated and accomplished it on time. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and everyone. I'm hoping that on the next novel still we can do it on time. Happy to be with you. God bless us more.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    August 2013

